The Biking Bouquet Giveaway!
Iām so excited about this community event and I hope you and your friends and family will come out and join me for a day of spreading kindness throughout our community at our first biking bouquet giveaway! Celebrating flowers, friendship, and the beauty of community. August 23rd, 2025 we will gather together at 9a.m to put together wrapped floral bouquets. these will be loaded into your bike baskets, backpacks, bags, strollers, and wagons, or simply carried in your arms to be delivered throughout the community to those you meet. Maybe you meet someone at the park, out walking their dog, working in their yard or garden, leaving a store or picking up a coffee. The goal is to find people to surprise and delight them with the gift of a few fresh flowers. To brighten their day and have fun doing so. The cost will be $5 a bouquet and you are welcome to pay for 1, 5, 10 or 20. Any extra funds we have will be donated back to the Medical Lake Rec. Program for the parks and trails. We welcome donations of funds from those who want to support the event but are unable to participate. After we have shared flowers we will gather together to share our experiences and enjoy some refreshments. If you would like to be involved in helping with the planning, setting up, gathering sponsors, promoting etc please reach out to me at More details to come as wrinkles are ironed out.